News & Presse: Apr. 06 2024
„As Oroveso, Norma’s father and leader of the Gauls, the bass-baritone Nicolas Testé sang with effortless authority and a dark vocal gleam. Clad in red and gold, carrying a staff, he was a convincing portrait of tribal leadership.“
South Florida Classical Review
„Bass-baritone Nicolas Testé was a cavernous voice in the role of Oroveso. His character made several proclamations during scenes and shared a paternal relationship with the character of Norma.“
News & Presse: Nov. 07 2023
„…I was most taken by bass Nicolas Testé, whose magnificent Frère Laurent made a potentially dull wedding quite captivating (doubly so his one-note description of Juliet’s deceptive poison), and who did impressive double-duty as the Duke of Verona.“
„French bass Nicolas Testé brought a puissant, refined elder presence to the roles of Frère Laurent… and the Duke of Verona.“
„Bass Nicolas Testé sang the roles for both the Duke of Verona and Frére Laurent. His beautiful voice and singing readily take command of the stage“
„Nicolas Testé as Frère Laurent… [was] superb in [his] respective role[s].“
„…Nicolas Testé’s comforting bass gave her partner in crime, Frere Laurent, a thoughtful authority.“