Presse: März 31 2014 | David Salazar | Latinos Post
That sense of loss was also beautifully depicted by Nicolas Teste's Colline during his famed "Vecchia zimarra, senti." Teste's voice caressed each phrase, underlying a far deeper meaning than just the loss of the garment; in his pained singing, the listener could grasp Colline's understanding of the tragedy taking place. His final "addio" was held out for a few moments, furthering this sense of loss.
Vivien Schweitzer | The New York Times
The other three bohemians were all excellent: Massimo Cavalletti as Marcello, Patrick Carfizzi as Schaunard and Nicolas Testé, making his house debut as Colline with an elegantly sung “Vecchia zimarra.”
Eric C. Simpson | New York Classical Review
In his company debut, Nicolas Testé brought dark hues with a hint of buffo bounce to the role of Colline, singing a “Vecchia zimarra” that was straightforward, but tender nonetheless.
News: Okt. 23 2013
Am Donnerstag, den 24. Oktober wird die Opernvorstellung von „A Harlot’s Progress“ ab 19.00 Uhr via LIVESTREAM kostenfrei auf der Website des Theater an der Wien übertragen.
Livestream (Der Player ist erst am Donnerstag aktiv)
RADIO: Der ORF Radiosender Ö1 überträgt „A Harlot’s Progress“ am Samstag, 16. November 2013 um 19:30 Uhr auf
Mehr Informationen
Musikalische Leitung: Mikko Franck
Inszenierung: Jens-Daniel Herzog
Bühne: Mathis Neidhardt
Kostüme: Sibylle Gädeke
Choreographie: Ramses Sigl
Licht: Jürgen Koß
Dramaturgie: Hans-Peter Frings
Moll Hackabout: Diana Damrau
Mother Needham: Marie McLaughlin
Kitty: Tara Erraught
Mister Lovelace: Christopher Gillett
James Dalton: Nathan Gunn
Coach Driver | Officer | Jailer: Nicolas Testé
Orchester: Wiener Symphoniker
Chor: Arnold Schoenberg Chor (Ltg. Erwin Ortner)
News: Apr. 11 2014
Nicolas beeindruckte bei seinem Metropolitan Opera Debüt in der Rolle des Colline in Puccinis La Bohème diesen März . Kritiker lobten Nicolas’ bewegende Darstellung und schrieben: “In his company debut, Nicolas Testé brought dark hues with a hint of buffo bounce to the role of Colline, singing a ‘Vecchia zimarra’ that was straightforward, but tender nonetheless.” (New York Classical Review)
“That sense of loss was also beautifully depicted by Nicolas Testé’s Colline during his famed ‘Vecchia zimarra, senti.’ Testé’s voice caressed each phrase, underlying a far deeper meaning than just the loss of the garment; in his pained singing, the listener could grasp Colline’s understanding of the tragedy taking place. His final ‘addio’ was held out for a few moments, furthering this sense of loss.” (Latinos Post)
Weitere Engagements diese Saison inkludieren die Rolle des Dr. Grenvil in Verdis romantischer Tragödie La traviata an der Opéra National de Paris. Die spektakuläre Besetzung inkludiert Diana Damrau als Violetta Valéry, Francesco Demuro als Alfredo Germont und Ludovic Tézier as Giorgio Germont. Daniel Oren und Francesco Ivan Ciampa dirgieren das Orchester und den Chor der Opéra National de Paris.